Heidi Majano


Driven by a passion for promoting and implementing mindful practices of communication, Heidi has developed and deepened her skills in listening, encouraging, and mentoring. Her role as the Executive Director at the Peaceful World Foundation embraces her talents in strategic peace building through the channels of mindful networking, organizational development and relationship building.

Having worked closely with Sami Sunchild, the founder of the Peaceful World Foundation, Heidi has brought Sami’s legacy into manifestation with the close council of the Foundation’s Board and collaborators.

Before arriving to the Foundation, Heidi was working and living in the rural communities of Papua New Guinea for over ten years. She completed a master’s degree in International Development Studies from the University of Sydney in Australia with an emphasis in peace and conflict resolution practices.

For over two decades, she has experience working across the nonprofit and international development sectors as a community grassroots facilitator, organizational development consultant, trainer and community-based mediator. Her peace work in the South Pacific included community engagement in field research, developing, writing, and implementing training manuals in health education, women’s advocacy, financial literacy and personal development.

By working closely with community members, she embedded her work within the local culture, emphasizing traditional peace and conflict resolution customs into the modern discourse. Funded under grants from leading international development organizations; AUSAID, CUSO and VSO, her peace work has been adapted into the teaching curriculum at the University of Goroka in Papua New Guinea.

Heidi’s work at the foundation continues to progress, evolve, and grow as she launches Sami’s essence and legacy forward through nurturing and cultivating relationships with our constituents and the wider community.

Heidi currently serves as an active member on the Petaluma Community Resource Council.